Taking medication can be very confusing, especially when you are prescribed more than one medication at a time. You may be asking questions and not receiving answers in a way you can understand.
What are the side effects that this medicine might cause?
Does this medication interact with any of my other medications, over-the-counter products, or herbals and supplements?
Should I take this pill with food or on an empty stomach?
Is there a cheaper alternative?
I’m tired of taking so many pills! Can anything be stopped safely?
These questions and many others can be answered by your Consultant Pharmacist specialist.
Consultant Pharmacists provide one-on-one consultation with you and your family, often in your home or community center.
Benefits of a Comprehensive Medication Review:
Provide professional, unhurried visits and medication information that is understandable to you, your family and caregivers.
Identify and reduce medication-related problems such as side effects and drug interactions.
Eliminate unnecessary medications.
Simplify the system for taking medications.
Offer ideas for improving medication compliance and maintaining the best health.
Serve as your advocate with your physician to ensure the use of the most appropriate medications.
Promote wellness and disease prevention.
Help you stay healthy through appropriate, safe and effective medication use.