Use this tool to keep track of all your medication administration (prescription and supplements), along with your blood pressure and/or blood sugar readings. Medication adherence with MedTracker is as easy as 1-2-3!
Understand Your Risk For Medication Related Problems
whether you have been just been diagnosed with a chronic condition requiring a new medication or have been taking the same medications for years, it is important to understand your risk for medication related problems.
Organize and Know Your Medications
create an effective way to identify your medications and understand why you are taking each medication, also just as important to understand how to properly dispose of expired or unwanted medications in the home.
Track Your Medication Adherence
record your medication administration times and log all blood pressure and blood glucose readings, not only can you can go back and track your medication adherence you can also take to all Health Care Provider appointments.
Pharmacist Approved ✅
Buy a MedTracker today for $10.99