COVID-19 Preventative Medication Options
We often get asked by our patients what they can do as preventative care once they test positive for the COVID-19 virus. While there are...
COVID-19 vaccine FAQ
With the recent release of COVID-19 vaccine availability we have been getting many questions regarding the safety and efficacy of the...
Is it COVID-19 or Something Else?
It’s that time of year when “it’s going around”. What is “it” you ask………traditionally it could be a simple cold, allergies or the...
Medication Overload
Older adults, as a group, have more health conditions that require medication management. The average person over age 65 uses 4.5...
COVID19: Medication Delivery Options
According to an analysis released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 80% of deaths associated with the...
ANNOUNCEMENT: PillBoxTalk launches Consultant Pharmacist Referral Platform
Over the past 5 years of providing Consulting Pharmacist services to the San Diego Community I'm often asked by Care Managers that I work...
Do heartburn Meds cause Dementia?
The report that was just published in JAMA Neurology suggests that there is a weak association between PPI use and dementia.They didn't...
SmartMedTags: Tracking Medication Administration
With the growing reliance on medication therapy as the primary intervention for most illnesses, patients receiving medication...
Cold vs Flu
It’s that time of year when “it’s going around”. What is “it” you ask………could be a simple cold or the seasonal flu. Many patients have...