ANNOUNCEMENT: PillBoxTalk launches Consultant Pharmacist Referral Platform

Over the past 5 years of providing Consulting Pharmacist services to the San Diego Community I'm often asked by Care Managers that I work with how their colleagues in other areas/states can find Pharmacists that offer the same services that PillBoxTalk does for their clients. Most of the time I know one or two Pharmacists I can recommend but there was still a need to have a more readily available access to those Pharmacists that specifically provide Comprehensive Medication Reviews (CMRs) in the Home/Residential Facility setting.
With that being said, PillBoxTalk is pleased to announce the launch of a innovative platform for Consulting Pharmacists that do provide CMRs to individuals/families across the United States. Our goal is to create a user friendly website that lists those Pharmacists that do provide CMRs outside of the Skilled Nursing Home setting. Pharmacists listed on our site will be vetted to ensure they meet the criteria for providing (CMRs) to your clients.
Here are the criteria for being listed as a Consultant Pharmacist on our site:
Currently have established Consulting Business
Licensed Pharmacist in State they are practicing in
Certified Geriatric Pharmacist or similar Board Certification and/or Pharmacy Residency by an Accredited Body
Services currently provided include CMR for clients in Home/Residential facility
This site will be continuously updated and along with Consultant Pharmacist referrals we will also list useful tools to help your clients with medication safety and adherence. Check out the new site and please feel free to share with any and all of your colleagues.